Episode 9
Sorry for the delay, dear readers! I'm still on my European adventure (since last week's recap I've been to Prague, Nuremberg, and Paris) and am sending this one out from the Eurostar train between Paris to London. I happen to think this is a pretty good excuse for tardiness. :) Enjoy! x
"When did falling in love become so hard?" —Jojo
We pick up with last week's Rose Ceremony, where Jojo was shown saying she was planning on sending Luke home, which naturally makes you think she's not sending him home but—PSYCH—she actually did. The way Luke looks at Jojo, it’s like a combination of sadness, anger, and wondering if he ever even knew her at all...
While Jojo is mid-ITM, there is a funny focus shift to show the other guys can basically see her while this all goes down…
They may look impatient, but they’ve likely been waiting for ages. I don’t know a single contestant who ever enjoyed Rose Ceremonies, and it’s not for the reasons you think. Even if you’re completely confident or already have a rose, the amount of standing and waiting can become so extreme it begins to feel disrespectful. Rose Ceremonies are the ultimate test of patience.
In Thailand, Robby and Jojo wander around a market, with voiceovers of Robby gushing about his feelings for Jojo. He says Jojo hasn't told him she loves him but that he knows she does because...
It may seem like I'm nitpicking, but I don't think physical interactions can or do solely represent love. I know I've been on Robby's case about this, but I could really use some REAL REASONS as to why he loves Jojo and why he thinks she loves him. For example, with Andy, I have never felt more understood in my life. Every ball I throw—whether it be a joke, an under-your-breath remark, or a barely-there eyebrow raise—he catches. We see eye-to-eye on all the big things like politics and religion, but can commiserate over minor pet peeves like overcooked eggs and slow walkers. I can be my weirdest, goofiest, most natural self with him and vice versa. I think he's very possibly the funniest person I've ever met and I laugh with him more than I have with anyone, man or woman, ever. Yes, we're super attracted to each other (despite originally not really being either's usual "type") and the compatibility's more than perfect in the "passion" department, but those are not things that I'd choose to lead with. I believe the intimacy works as well as it does because our understanding of each other is airtight, not the other way around. I'm not sharing these rather personal details to gloat or to sound like I'm on some soapbox. My point is that we, the viewers, never seem to get specificity when it comes to Robby and Jojo, FROM EITHER PARTY. ComAt this point I’m actually impressed at how Robby can use so many words and yet say nothing at all...
And it goes both ways...
What else does Robby offer other than attraction and effusiveness? What exactly is “all that”? His Words of Affirmation hold too much power in her perception of him. It’s too much about how he feels about her, how much he loves her. How does SHE feel about HIM? And WHY?
And speaking of WHY...
Why, oh WHY must we be subjected to lines this cheesy? Oy.
Jojo takes Jordan on a very cool-looking hike, and there was a minor flub in editing I thought I'd point out. Notice her shirt...
In the evening, it's clear Jojo asks Jordan way harder questions than she does Robby...
I'm not saying it's impossible that she's asked Robby these questions and that they just haven't aired, but considering the stuff they do air, it's hard to imagine anything resembling this conversation could ever get cut. I also take her apprehension with Jordan as a huge sign (one of many) that she wants Jordan and is therefore making extra super duper sure he doesn't plan on hurting her. I gather that Jordan is less effusive with his feelings, which could be taken as either a lack of sincerity ("wrong reasons" alert) or just a personality type. I happen to think it's the latter. I know many people don't agree with me but there are tons of people who wouldn't lay it on thick, especially on command, in this situation and in real life. And as I said in my Flare recap, I feel the fact that he shares these (pretty specific!) feelings in an ITM...
... but seems a bit more reluctant to say them to her face tells me he's relying more on what they have and isn't in any way laying it on thick to get ahead.
Chase, like Jordan, isn't too bad in the specificity department...
He's not exactly saying WHY he loves her, but to his credit he wasn't "in love" on their first date either. And for someone who's been as stoic and careful as Chase, words like these mean extra...
Oh, how quickly things change. In the evening, when Jojo's just starting to tell Chase she's just not that into him—after offering him the Fantasy Suite card and letting him profess his love to her, of course—Chase's stony expression of realization is pretty epic...
I loved this departure. I loved how honest and real Chase's reactions and words were...
Of course, he later returns and lets Jojo off easy, which is nice I guess, but this angry, disbelieving departure reminded me a bit of Ben Flajnik's departure (Ashley Hebert's season) and was one of those momentous, memorable reality television moments for me.
Heading into the Rose Ceremony, even Chris Harrison seems dubious about Robby's love for Jojo...
Of course, despite there being many, MANY other opportunities to have Chase return and apologize to Jojo for his angry goodbye, the producers think it's a much better idea to have him interrupt an already-unnecessary Rose Ceremony. Gotta love manufactured drama. I had to make a .gif of Jordan's subtle, terse smile at the entire bullshit situation.
What having your patience tested looks like.
Jordan is this week's Best Dressed with his simple, hot weather-appropriate Rose Ceremony getup...
I love a simple but stylish chambray shirt on a man as well as Rainbow flip flops. He's made an effort but doesn't look like he's trying too hard. Casual simplicity at its finest.
Interestingly, Jordan is also this week's Worst Dressed with his outfit from the evening of his Thailand date...
I don't know what exactly is up with this blazer but it is NOT good. The color, material, and even fit seem to look like a woman's blazer, and it's very ill-fitting and looks almost costume-y. It also bugged me that the sleeves were permanently bunched up towards his elbows whlie they were clearly too tight to really roll up at all. BAD BLAZER.
I ID'd Jojo's first Rose Ceremony dress last week, but since then I've found a super similar ring to her pave ring...
I found this dress cute but a bit fussy. The combination of the busy print and all the stuff going on (the neckline, the waistband, the tiers of ruffles...) is too much for me. However, Jojo looks good in anything, so I credit her with looking cute here. If you disagree with me, you can find Jojo's Poupette St. Barth dress HERE.
For her date with Robby...
This was my favorite look of the week. I love how this dress is simple and timeless yet different and interesting. (The color and neckline are perfection.) Jojo's dress is by ASTR but is sadly sold out (HERE) but I've included the most similar options I could find on the carousel above. Her strappy nude heels are by Steve Madden and sell HERE.
For her date with Jordan...
I loved this look as well. She looks, as Jordan put it, "sporty", while still looking cute and put together. I am also now coveting that super cute choker. Jojo's high neck swim top is by and sells HERE. Her BlankNYC shorts sell HERE. Her choker is by Rory Ashton and the turquoise sells HERE (with other colors selling HERE).
In the evening with Jordan...
Something about this look reminded me a bit of Emily Maynard's season. I dig the whole look, despite it not being something I would wear, and thought Jojo looked like a goddess in that skirt. I would have loved some sort of an updo or side braid with this look, but since Jojo had her hair up a few times this week (she's a morning topknot girl, apparently) I'm willing to let this slide. Jojo's white crop tie-back tank is by Blue Life and is sadly sold out (HERE), but there's a near-identical one selling (for way less!) HERE. Her tie-dye maxi skirt is by Michelle Jonas and sells HERE and HERE.
For her date with Chase...
At first glance I did not like this blouse, and though it grew on me (it's certainly sexy and different), my girlfriend (with whom I'm traveling) and I agreed that it's not effortless, not "easy". If you disagree with us, you can find Jojo's Blue Life blouse and sells HERE. Her BlankNYC shorts (which she also wore on Luke's Hometown) sell HERE. Her druzy pendant necklace is by Kendra Scott and sells HERE, and her Brooklyn Designs teardrop necklace sells HERE.
For the evening with Chase...
While I like but don't love this dress, I love the overall look. Jojo looks breezy and leggy and Midsummer night-y, and that lipstick steals the show. Jojo's Ramy Brook dress sells HERE and her Stuart Weitzman Nudist sandals sell HERE.
Since I don't usually do Panda recaps of Men Tell All, I'm including Jojo's dress from that episode...
This dress is EVERYTHING. The color and cut, and how vibrant Jojo looked in it. It's the perfect Men Tell All "one that got away" dress. With the gold shoes and jewelry (and tan!), I loved this entire look and, come to think of it, it's my favorite look of both episodes combined. Jojo's Roberto Cavalli dress is sadly sold out (HERE, not that I was ready to drop $900) but there are similar options on the carousel above. Her T-strap gold sandals are by Chinese Laundry and sell HERE, and though her jewelry is all by Dena Kemp (and thus unavailable online), I've found some similar-ish options above.
Until next week, fellow pandas!